Our firm offers a wide range of services from personal to business needs in the Passaic County and Tri-State Area. Because our firm is relatively small, our clients benefit by getting personalized, quality service that is beyond comparison. Below we have listed some of the services we offer to our clients.

Certified Notary Signing Agent
We are E&O insurers. We are knowledgeable on all types of loans VA, FHA, HELOC, Refinance on 1st or 2nd Mortgages and loans with direct lenders. We are experienced on I-9 form completion, field inspections, apostille, etc.

We record all your financial transactions. This in includes all your purchases, sales, receipts, payments, etc.

Accounting Services
An accountant will aid you in a wide range of services such as: financial accounting, external auditing, tax accounting, etc.

Tax Preparation Services
A licensed, experienced professional will prepare all of your tax returns.

IRS Representation
A legal professional will stands in on your behalf during a state income tax audit or Internal Revenue Service (IRS).